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Everything posted by ALBIONSAINT

  1. Why oh why does this government not focus on our own difficulties ( poor ferry service to islands, NHS waiting lists, drug deaths, housing crisis etc) why are they so willing to waste time in Parliament on an issue they have absolutely no influence over? I can see it now, Hamas and the IDF throwing down the guns and sharing a haggis supper because the Scottish Parliament voted for a ceasefire.
  2. He is often overlooked, but if it’s wasn’t for Combe and a Hugh Murray rocket at Forthbank we could have been part time and doing a good impersonation of Airdrie, Morton, QoS etc
  3. Typical far left response to anyone who questions the ideology. I know it’s a well worn trope but “ this is how the Nazi party started” demonise and silence anyone who does not endorse the message and discard objectivity and reality. God helps us.
  4. Fair point. It would appear that no matter who is in charge of the country (left or right wing) capitalism will always be the model we use and such the workers only have their Labour to sell. Don’t know how this will all pan out when AI takes over all the trades and professional roles?
  5. Charming, you were probably too busy scouring the rest of BAWA forum looking for FS and Shull content to put in your little Gulag thread to answer me. Little Soviet 🤭
  6. Remember this conflict? It was big for a while but a new one came along and ousted it from the U.K. MSM. BBC have done a nostalgia article on it below, enjoy.
  7. I think you were the one professing when you made the post, I was merely noting that it wasn’t from The Royal British legion but from The Scotsman newspaper. As for the veracity of the piece? well that would be your opinion rather than undisputable fact. The piece appears to suggest that the democratic process in both the US and U.K. is failing to produce a magical land where poverty, distrust and power don’t exist. The section below is very strange as it appears to suggest that U.K. economic modelling is right wing? I wonder what Mr Blair and Mr Brown were thinking. “Both at home and abroad, in other words, it is difficult to imagine a more effective recipe for national decline. And meanwhile, in the UK, it becomes ever more clear that 40 almost uninterrupted years of right-wing economics has likewise ushered in an age of decline. The real-terms pay of ordinary Britishworkers has been flatlining since 2009; while the cult of austerity in public spending has hollowed out our communities and cultural life, and impoverished and degraded our public services. And of course, the resentment produced by such hard times also led to the disastrous act of economic and human self-harm that was Brexit”
  8. Just for clarity…….the first part of this post is from the Royal British legion (the right to protest) the rest of the post is from an article from The Scotsman.
  9. Stop trying to defend the undefendable. They are a proscribed terrorist group similar to ISiS who use their own citizens as human shields. 7/10 ain’t going away no matter how much people like you deflect from the barbarism of Hamas.
  10. Yeah a bit like the other hospital that the IDF bombed. Turned out it was a faulty Hamas rocket. So are you saying that a sovereign nation that has the eyes of the world on it are creating false propaganda? It would be a huge gamble given the support it receives from the USA and U.K. governments. Who to believe? Sovereign state or a terrorist organisation that broke a 9 year ceasefire by sneaking into a neighbouring country dressed as civilians and murdering innocent women and children in there homes, yup thats a difficult one to square.
  11. Interesting, up until now I had this guy down as a spineless yes man who would sell his granny to get into number 10. However it appears he can see that to be PM you need to lead for everyone. He might just make a decent PM. Pity we don’t have the same in Bute house.
  12. Working class (poor) and those who can least afford it paying for the green revolution
  13. So why did they set such a big target to achieve by 2025? Because they knew it was impossible but when the didn’t meet it they would blame the U.K. government as it’s not devolved. Same old same old.
  14. I was being facetious (when Moses was a boy) It’s obviously allegory.
  15. I hope they are using LEZ compliant transportation to get the 95% of our plastic waste to the north of England and Europe, otherwise the CO2 emissions will be through the roof 😅
  16. Paul McManus might know? He certainly felt strongly enough about it to put £100k into the court case against it.
  17. Just in case you are wondering (as this never gets coverage on U.K. MSM) Israel continues to be defending itself on two fronts. Most of the MSM in U.K. will be focusing on the big hospital today with all the baby’s inside that need incubators and fuel. You know the one that Hamas cowardly built a control base under to protect THEMSELVES!
  18. Poor use of language from me there. I will edit it to working class.
  19. Who is going to pay for the change’s needed to combat climate change? The working class of course!
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