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linwood buddie

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Everything posted by linwood buddie

  1. Does this mean there is no holiday pay entitlement .
  2. We are still paying Lee so we should at least have him on the bench ,he has the experience ,give him a shot build his confidence back up ,will save us bringing in another CB .
  3. I think we should be thankful that winning the league cup didn't qualify us for Europe, what would it be like on the forum today if we had been gubbed in our first three competitive matches .
  4. The only good that will come of this game , is moves will be made to bring in new players ,be it on loan or permanent before we play Celtic .When we see some of the players that were free agents , M c Manus , McFadden ,Boyd even Simonsen , these would have been additions that would of without doubt made us a top 4 team at least , of course they may not of wanted to play for Saints ,but that is the type of player we should be after ,progression not regression.
  5. Do we all forget the 7-0 to Raith in 92/93 .
  6. I would not want to see DL sacked ,but if it was to happen this is the guy that I would want ,but can't see him leaving Rangers .
  7. That's another thing that should concern the board ,if we do hit a bad run or the football gets very poor ,people stop going ,I know season tickets have been bought anyway but we still get fans who go and pay on the day a couple of hundred down and its a big drop on the cashflow .
  8. I find it hard to believe that DL doesn't want to spend money and bring in better players, but someone is holding the funds ,there are not many managers when given the chance , would not add to their squad .
  9. ICT lost a few good players also , they brought in a load of unknowns and to be honest I thought they would have a hard season , We have brought in a couple of good SPL players and a couple of youngsters , we will be hoping Newcastle loan us a couple , Newton would be great ,Cambpell would be a godsend this boy will be a superstar., but do we think they will want to come to a team that is going to struggle .We need to put the money from the cup run and wage savings back into the transfer kitty and get a few good experienced players in now and not after 3 or 4 games that will take us to the end of the transfer window , when it will lead to panic buys.
  10. When you think of the Celtic fans protesting about wearing poppies on their teams shirts ,when some of these morons have or have had family in the forces.
  11. I agree with that ,but as an association do you think they would or could spend the money this would need .
  12. That would be a great loan deal for us , but knowing our luck we would get Celtic in both cups as well as the league games and wouldn't be able to use him .
  13. Maybe a way forward is to try an entice more ex players back into coaching with the clubs and at regional levels , I remember in the late 90's I was on a coaching course at the astro turf outside Ibrox which involved the Rangers under 18's , John Brown, Billy Kirkwood and John McGregor were amongst the Rangers coaches.
  14. Years ago I was at a talk given by Rinus Michels ,when he was talking about how the Dutch had developed a system over years , the kids didn't play in leagues or for medals or trophies ,they were coached with a football at their feet and how to control it ,header it and pass it .
  15. I think it's really down to investment at grassroots level , although there has been some it's clearly not enough .
  16. Bale was first spotted by Southampton at 9 years old and trained with them from not long after that in Bath .Giggs moved to Manchester when he was 6 ,so not really the Welsh that have developed their talents more so the English .
  17. Good point , meant to say have more than one site alias .
  18. The fact it's been mentioned on sky may well give a wee boost in attendance .
  19. Why do they use more than one alias anyway ?.
  20. I never tried to take the piss out of anyone regarding grammar it was toilet seat (aka oaksoft ) who started rambling on about grammar ,I posted something on a thread and he spewed some sort of shite .
  21. Had my fun with you now toilet seat its got a bit boring , I was going to put you on ignore but you amuse me sometimes .
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