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  1. If the board genuinely believe OK is trying to work his ticket so he can take a pay off and go back and manage Coleraine without them having to pay St M a fee why don't they just place him on gardening leave for the time being and force Coleraine hand into either approaching the club for permission to speak to him or for them to appoint another manager.
  2. I'll make that my next port of call. Will be staying over again in a few weeks time.
  3. Totally irrelevant to the thread but I had a meal in harry haws last night, is that your place?
  4. Yeah offside is now based on phases of play. First phase being the goalies kick, Oakley in an offside position but inactive like you say. Second phase begins when mack heads the ball meaning Oakley can't be offside from a St Mirren players touch. That was the rules anyway, unsure if they've changed again though.
  5. A pass is a pass, whether he played him in or he shifted the ball to him he still played a part in the first goal and deserves a wee bit of credit for it. I'd agree though if it's a toss up between him and McAllister starting games then Kyle should be first pick.
  6. Without his header back across goal we don't score the second. Without him playing in Nazon to cross we don't score the first. If we don't score any goals we lose the game. He definetly contributed alot more than two nice touches. To say his contribution means nothing is just silly.
  7. Thought Anders Dreyer had his best game in a St Mirren shirt for us today. Played a big part in our first goal and he was also the one who assisted lyons with the second. Delighted for him.
  8. If they don't, we then play twice before they play Celtic and then we face each other. Absolutely massive couple of weeks coming up. Wins against Killie and St J could have us 5 points clear of Dundee by the time we play them. It's a very big ask but with recent performances I think we have a decent enough chance of it. Like you say though if Dundee win and we then lose on Monday it's a whole different story.
  9. No one is asking for him to lose his rag. What he could do though is show a wee bit of emotion and vent his frustration without embarrassing himself. Can you honestly imagine any other team in this league have those 3 penalties given against them and them to then come out and be so nice about it afterwards. Never in a million years . His comments on Defoe stink of him not having the balls to say anything to upset anyone. It's a dive clear as day , everyone in the country can see it and he says 'it's not one I would put in the diving category ' absolute pish. Defoe deserves a ban for diving yesterday but why should the compliance officer bother if the opposing manager isn't even bothering about it. There's a time to show some class m8 and there's a time to say it exactly how it is. He should have spoken his mind as a football manager instead of as a high school teacher. The guys a gentleman, no doubt about it but we're in a scrap here and rolling over and having our tummy tickled every time a bad decision goes against us is not going to get us out if it.
  10. I dont think we're in a position to be letting everyone else fight our battles for us m8. The decisions are against us, we should be the ones making the biggest song and dance about it.
  11. I think Oran needs to stop thinking like a teacher when he's speaking, he needs to speak with a bit of venom when he's talking about all these decisions that seem to be going against us week in week out. Post match interview yesterday he says he doesn't want to hang the referee out to dry, why the f**k not? The guys made 3 shambolic decisions against his team, I'm not saying shout and bawl or accuse anyone of cheating but atleast make it be known that it's unacceptable, we're fighting for our lives and 2 of those penalties could be vital come the end of the season if it goes to goal difference. The referees performance was shocking and he should have said exactly that. He also says the 2nd one isn't something he would call a dive. Why? Everyone else has called it a dive because thats exactly what it is. He should be calling it a dive and calling on the compliance officer to be looking at it. He's far too nice for his own good right now. Develop a nasty streak and let people know your not just here to make up the numbers.
  12. Dundee United fans on p&b reckon it's a done deal with him going to them. Negotiating a pay off with MK Dons so he can sign permanently
  13. A few people suggested it, and your claim of he 'knew what he was doing ' added to the suggestion.
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