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Everything posted by Vambo57

  1. Saw one of them a couple of weeks ago in Split. Another strange design The Italians are mental about design apparently. Here's a Piaggio Ape. Think I saw one in one of the Pink Panther movies scuttling back and forth through some junction.
  2. I didn't claim that I took that photo. Seen it from my office window across from the Showcase Cinema and Google is your friend. Very strange looking Aircraft. Apparently it goes faster than normal Turboprop aircraft as it pushes, rather than pulls. Quite noisy too.
  3. Just saw this coming into land at the Airport. WTF?
  4. Surely you just inform the Ticket buyer to ignore the seat nunber printed on the ticket. Sit anywhere in the section/s. No software changes needed. Or am I missing something here?
  5. Welcome back Jack. If you're as good a manager as you were a player, then that will do for me. "Jack Ross for Scotland"
  6. I think we in the West Stand are getting a real raw deal and it's really getting on my tits. Last Saturday, our Club gave away many free tickets to youngsters. This is to be applauded. Where did our Club deem to put these freebies (3-4 of hundred)? In the Away (North) Stand. This is not to be applauded. Where did they put the actual away fans (2-3 hundred QOS)? In the West Stand, once again causing the usual problems under the stand with space, only one toilet and pie stall. WTF are our board thinking? This is not acceptable!
  7. Did they feck Alex... you are delusional They said 'Hi Alex' as in your Surname Mr Rae.
  8. Is there draft lager on sale and how much is a pint?
  9. I'm sure i read somewhere that if you just divided all the millions that have been thrown at Ferguslie over the years between each of the families there,they would have become overnight Millionaires. As an aside... the radio the other day, they announced that the total number of Millionaires in Scotland had fallen by 10%... to only 43,000
  10. Don't buy till Xmas and get them much cheaper... and learn JD a lesson
  11. Admirable that you are doing this Div... But Please! Don't make it as hard to familiarise onself with, as this 'improved' website has been! MacDonald's?
  12. Vambo57

    Lee Cox

    Oh FFS Just as well... I heard he was a bit of a prick
  13. Yeah, my only criticisms are the BBC for: - the amount of pundits/Liggers they managed to send over there and pay - at our expense.... e.g. did they really need 6 to cover the swimming alone? It would be interesting to know exactly how many they actually sent... - After Andy Murray winning a thrilling Final, the commentator's shite comment about the "band of England supporters" grrrrr - the constant swapping of channels whilst in the middle of a game/bout/race (especially the Tennis) for no good reason. I'm sure a lot of folk missed the climax of a few events if they had set up the recorder.
  14. Callum finished 9th. well done lad
  15. Callum Hawkins falling off the leaders now, still going well though...
  16. No, I will not. Formation and tactics may change, no?
  17. Well, you and your multiple asses could leave...
  18. Just reveal it as the soapdodgers start to leave... the seethe will be immense!
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