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Everything posted by stlucifer

  1. Even by this fickle forum's standards this takes the biscuit, stretching the sinews of statistics to breaking point!
  2. I think if you made that change Caprice would have to replace DVZ as Newton wouldn't be there to protect him. Though I did advocate change last time out I'm not sure any of the starting eleven deserve to be benched.
  3. I think you all but answered your own question there rick. We not only could have. We should have. It happens time and again.
  4. Well, he did enough deals with cowboys this side of the pond............................................ Allegedly
  5. According to the beeb website, http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006zrbv/broadcasts/2013/10 It will be availlable soon. I missed it as well so I hope they're not at it.
  6. OR.... They all read this forum and, in particular, this silly thread? just saying.
  7. That was a fantastic performance. In fact the last two games are so much of a contrast to what went before. The players seem so much more confident. The backline appear to trust their keeper, and quite right too. 19 years old? With that sort of commanding performance? Aye, right! I demand to see his birth certificate! I'm glad Danny didn't think the same as me in replacing Kelly. His contribution was far beyond his tender years. In that he wasn't alone. McLean played more like we know he can. In fact the whole team looked much more, well,.... like a team. Fighting for each other and covering each other on the few occassions when they slipped up. But a special mention has to go to John McGinn. I know it's been a long time coming but I remember saying that, once he scores his first goal he'll go on to score loads. I hope he now proves me right. If he does then he won't be with Saint Mirren for very long. Get the ball and chain of a long term contract on this lad to ensure we don't get diddled. Well done to ALL the players. Danny is right in as much as this was another small step but this result certainly put a spring in mine!
  8. Don't mean to be pedantic ( ) but they wouldn't be going into administration AGAIN. It would be the first time for this new entity.
  9. Need a damn sight stronger than Irn Bru when following Saints mate!
  10. Irn Bru have decided to sponsor the SPFL and the picture on the beeb website shows Donkey arster beaming like he'd negotiated the whole deal. No doubt the money's the same as when they covered the d!ddy leagues! http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/24384574 Now. Does that not look like a face you'd never tire of Skelping??!
  11. The only thing I would dispute there is that, technically, his lapse, and it wasn't just his, didn't lead to the goal. The keeper narrowed the angle and stopped that from happening,....only just. Aberdeen's resulting corner should have been dealt with better by others. Also. It could be argued that DVZ could have wrapped his left foot around the rebound which might have resulted in a throw in. The latter might be a bit harsh mind you.
  12. I agree. Also. It may just be that Danny Grainger will "up his game" now that he has competition from young Sean. Fantastic position right enough.
  13. So the bit in bold is NOT a criticism? O.K. I don't read that as you stating Teale shouldn't replace Newton. I read it as you saying you'ld have picked different personnel and different formation. No criticism there then? Newton was set up to protect the right hand side but on numerous occassions drifted inside. O.K. for a right sided, marauding midfielder. Maybe less so for an orthodox right back with a man whose defensive game is suspect in front. And how many games did Connor play for Newcastle? No fight. Just debates and, in this case, corrections and fact stating.
  14. Hats off to Mair. Not my favourite defender but he did well v Aberdeen. Hope he continues to do so if selected.
  15. I'll probably be in the minority here but I would go with Grainger. This is the one game I wouldn't put Sean into. Too much riding on it. for me Grainger would be choice. How many times does a player come back and bite his old team on the erse? Grainger is an accomplished left back who hasn't yet shown his best. What more motivation does he need to do so than a crunch game like this?
  16. But this could throw a spanner in their works Bluto. http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/home-news/deloitte-raises-concerns-over-whytes-battle-with-rangers.22309772 Good old Whyte. He is the man they can't shake off!!!!!
  17. It's been said on this site that Yaqub is injured. Don't know in what way or, for that matter, how long he'll be sidelined.
  18. No matter who the personnel are, using the long ball as your only out is as likely to have long term success as "tippy tappy" football. At least with the latter there is room for manouvre as you can move it quickly causing your opponents to run out of position. A mobile forward can then find space for the final incisive pass. For this to be successful we need to ensure there is always at least two options for a pass. Triangles, (or diamonds), all over the park. We need to employ both at different times in a game to keep the opposition on the back foot.
  19. What is this sh!te about Newton at RB? He's a solid, box to box midfielder, something we are not overblessed with, and your advocating playing him in an unfamiliar role when we have two options, three if you want to stick the square peg McGregor into the round hole, to fill that spot. AFAIC, I think Danny called it absolutely right for the formation he chose.
  20. Maybe a goal, even at this level, is exactly what Stephane needed. Anyone there to see? How was Bahoken performance and goal?
  21. Didn't understand any of your first gobbledygook. Get that bottle out of your mouth!
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