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Everything posted by waldorf34

  1. If Ralston is as bad as you say , it's a disgrace ! Is not Smisa giving money to Ralston? Are they checking where the members money is or is not being spent?
  2. If this Omicron keeps doubling every 3 days it will mean total lockdown before Christmas. Get your shopping done asap!
  3. We needed John the man with banking experience, but we got John the fan instead.
  4. Is it time to bring him back ,and weaken ST Johnstone
  5. We need the fans to be up for this ,our team needs help. Where are you!!
  6. Bottom line is it's for Smisa to sort out and the chairman of Smisa to stand up and be counted.
  7. A double vote from members 1) Should he stand down from chairman role 2)Should Smisa remove him as one of their representatives on the club board
  8. Kibble accounts to November 21 ,income £35 million ,expenditure £32million
  9. The person that Smisa put up should be democratically approved by their members ,no doubt about that.
  10. In another other business in the land he would be forced to stand down as chairman by his fellow directors, and if he was put on the board as a representative of a trade union for example ,they would have removed him very quickly and replaced him. The quickest answer to this is , Smisa withdraw him and replace him and find a way to work with Kibble.
  11. I am not advocating Kibble out ,just remove the obstacles that are pulling in the right direction . If that is personal from either party so be it.
  12. One for the legal guys out there can a business continue without a company secretary?
  13. Have you? I put up an answer but it was blocked ,legal problem I assume?
  14. Well said mate ,time for people to ask questions of their elected Smisa Directors
  15. It's time we heard from the chairman of Smisa on this subject ,not the details ,but what his board are doing to counter any threat to the club from any source and what the members can do to mitigate this threat.
  16. Simple ask Smisa if they have taken legal advice, see what reply you get. I advocate they get their heads together and look at the big picture and remove the obstacles that are staring the relationship ,if that means people standing down ,so be it .
  17. It's not nonsense, legal people have been approached by both parties ,hopefully reason will prevail and both parties can move forward together to bring success to the club. Maybe we have to sacrifice this Director to make that happen We should not lose sight of the big picture.
  18. I put up the game time for walking football at Renrew fc on 28th October as it had already started and I had no reply to my query with St Mirren the week before about when theirs was starting It started at St Mirren on the 13th November ,its now cancelled ,I am continuing at Renfrew fc ,its cheaper and better attended.
  19. I made 3 statements regarding the lack of events. 1 was there being no Panda club ,its coming back 2 no walking football ,it came back 3 no collection for foodbanks ,a money collection is being organised I may not get the views but I get a reaction from the club
  20. The shareholders agreement must have some mechanism for termination. Could be Smisa will have to buy out Kibble at a higher price than they paid GS ,that would need a lot of cash to be raised ,but we have been there before.
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