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Eric Arthur Blair

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Everything posted by Eric Arthur Blair

  1. has a big plain white panel on the back...no thanks.
  2. Tickets on sale to STHs NOW!!! https://twitter.com/saintmirrenfc/status/626315076295884800?s=01
  3. But why £100k? As has been said Telfer's fee was over £200k and the highest level he played was in the third tier. McGinn has almost 100 top division appearances and is the Scotland U21 captain. I say if a Uk club want to sign him for less than £200k then go to the tribunal.
  4. we heard that 2 years ago and ended up with Bahoken. Having said that leaving it that late can work, eg Sutton and Adam.
  5. the first league game of the 1984/5 season against Rangers at Ibrox saw the Saints team wearing the previous season's strips because the new ones weren't available from the manufacturer. The name of that manufacturer? Adidas.
  6. Was in JD Paisley Centre less than a minute ago. They have adult M to XL in short sleeves and M to XXL in long. Not many of each mind.
  7. That's not going to happen while an investigation is taking place.
  8. Anyone remember this, Capt. Sensible of The Damned from 1979
  9. Jim Holmes (ex Morton) while playing for Falkirk vs Airdrie https://youtu.be/AhcLqNkoNiE
  10. Pretty sure the land on FP Avenue directly opposite the Airdome is a club asset. If there really is that much money to be made then, if the existing carparks prove to be lucrative, maybe the club could look at paving and securing this land for the same purpose.
  11. Only found out on 1 o'clock news that Val is short for Valentine. No wonder he shortened it.
  12. It's been on the internet. Once it's been on the internet it's there forever.
  13. I think the thread should be retitled "Stadium Rebranded"
  14. Can a mod change the topic title to "Saints have Overachieved - OPINION" Some people's sense of self-importance beggars belief.
  15. £102 with a pay bar on top? Good luck selling that Campbell
  16. https://twitter.com/swfc/status/611503810557689856 Their fans don't seem too excited about the prospect of playing us.
  17. One from the 70s http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/161718368595?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649 And one from the 2000s http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/161718349513?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649
  18. You could have got an all day ticket for £3.80You must be raging
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