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    Tony Fitzpatrick

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Panel Pundit on SKY

Panel Pundit on SKY (14/14)

  1. Trust you not to miss a thing.
  2. All those nutty right wing American evangelicals will be thinking that this is the start of Armageddon and that's why they want to supply Israel with more and more weapons. Yes, I know that Armageddon was a place, not an event, but those nutters apparently don't.
  3. Still there and still has the same signage by the looks of it.
  4. Erskine's just a suburb of Bishopton and Bishopton's got a train station.
  5. Don't think he was British.
  6. "under no circumstances ... no excuse, no justification" is obviously and demonstrably wrong and I'm sure if you think about it, you can come up with a few reasons yourself. They're obviously not relevant in this case (and they might be extreme examples) but to say that there aren't ever any excuses or justifications is just plain wrong.
  7. That's why I said "you're" dying and "they" get hit with inheritance tax. Besides that, I wouldn't put it past the government to try and tax you for dying - it's the one thing they can be sure of you doing so they could tax you early. Mibbe I should stop giving them ideas.
  8. Unless you're the one being murdered, then they just get hit with inheritance tax.
  9. Self driving police cars? What's the point?
  10. Solution: When you get to that stage, murder someone. I've been asking that question for years.
  11. It's OK, I'll keep ye right.
  12. Well, for starters, there will be consequences that are both serious and unintended. Do keep up.
  13. Only two?
  14. Only if VAR stands for Vehicles At Roundabouts.
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