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Everything posted by spankin_panda

  1. Slightly off topic, but decided to watch some of the 3pm kick offs today on the auld dodgy tv stick…. stopped on the county v hearts game, County to their credit looked to have pushed on as a club and look a real attacking threat. Making hearts look pretty poor (maybe they are). Hoping SR has identified his best 11 and a formation to boot… we need to start strongly against a poor Motherwell. im gonna try stay optimistic….
  2. Congrats - amazing news! Well done to her. 100%, would be good to see more coverage of the woman’s game IMO
  3. My wee girl plays in the academy and hope one day she will make the top squad. fills me with pride every Sunday when she pulls on her saints top.
  4. BBC sportsound has us favourite to be relegated & rightly so. I don’t think SR knows his best 11 or where to play them. I hope when the league campaign kicks off he proves me wrong
  5. At best - I predict play off spot, obviously hoping that there’s one more team with a manager capable of making worse decisions & with less ability to adapt than ours does (kinda unlikely though)
  6. Having time to think about it, sadly I didn’t expect us to win last night - which is a bad sign against a part time lower league team. This is a sign of the rapid decline we had since SR took over. Top 6? Nah, a play off place is a win for us at this point and time & I’d settle for this if we persist with the current management team.
  7. To add balance to my last post. I don’t think SR is purposely getting every decision wrong…. He just… is He needs to look at the players we have - the nucleus of the team we had last year, look at what they done well and use that as a template coz whatever he’s trying just now is not working and will see us rooted bottom early doors and struggling from there on. I hope he can make the right calls and soon - otherwise it’s curtains for him and most likely, our stay in the top league.
  8. I worked them too hard in training plastic pitch and heat. judge us in 10 games (this is my favourite).
  9. If we got someone in who could revert back to the formation we used to play - and sought out a Ronan/McGrath type, we could be ok. but we need to have the balls to just cut ties. The guy is an imposter. He’s taken everything no bad about us and made it a shit show. Now going into season heads will be down and defeated. What an utter failure and worse. He doesn’t know when to admit he’s wrong and play the best way for the team and not his one and only way! im baffled at the whole thing. I can’t understand how someone can consistently get every decision wrong…
  10. Tommy Craig in disguise? Big long balls to no one. Have a season ticket and will pick and choose games, we will be relegated this year.
  11. I wonder what he will say this week? Worked the boys too hard in training and they were tired? We shouldn’t judge to 10 games into the season?
  12. We are an utter shambles SR is clueless - utterly clueless
  13. Sadly, this is very accurate. SR fills me with 0 confidence that he knows how to build a squad. Given how poor we’ve been since he took over - I don’t hold out much hope for the season ahead.
  14. Judge us in 10 games time? SR fills me with 0 confidence that he’s got what it takes to build us a squad. id love to be sitting here in a few weeks thinking we’ve turned a corner but in reality, so far, he’s weakened us & we weren’t great to begin with.
  15. Based on yesterday, I’d say we’ve got worse again and it’s easy to see why we are favourite to go down. big no7 was honking! We are short of a right winger, a central ball winner to take charge and probably a creative ‘Ronan’ type. Season hasn’t even started & already I can see it being a struggle. Hope to god I’m wrong
  16. Is game On saints tv for season ticket holders?
  17. We played the current champions, narrowly lost and they have 50x our budget. equally, this game could be the one we go on another run? granted injuries aren’t great, but I’m not reading too much into Sunday.
  18. That ref on Saturday past was pretty poor for both sides. Hope this weekend the ref lets the game flow more.
  19. I'll be watching on saints TV from sunny Arran! They will be on a high. Lets get this season started this weekend.
  20. Strips look smashing. Was hoping to buy one for my kid…. Looks like we are in for a wait 🤣
  21. Have google this but haven’t found the answer… will this game be able to be viewed/streamed on Sons tv? Their site is like an Earl 00s nightmare to navigate and can’t see how to buy (if you can). any help would be great…. EDIT - found the answer, link here for anyone looking to buy game; https://dumbartonfc.univtec.com/event/60e2fd07bb5ab510a4323121
  22. Used to love a Saturday venture into Provans, back in the 90s/early 2000s, used to find some cracking retro saints tops!
  23. What was the issue with him and McGarvey?
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