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About WeeBud

  • Birthday 07/25/1968

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    Tony Fitzpatrick

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Panel Pundit on SKY (14/14)

  1. Top, top stuff 👌
  2. It’s okay Buddy, he’s already said that he’ll get some things wrong 🙈….the issue is that once he says it, it becomes fact for the morons (anyone seen AlbionSaint).
  3. Aye, after he had been in both Celtic's and Queens Park's Youth set-ups.......and let's not kid ourselves that they were truly "amateur" either, the expenses policy was pretty loose 😂
  4. Really enjoyed them HSS, good find 👍
  5. surprisingly near the front of both Littlewoods and Kays (so i've heard) 😎
  6. Scud Book 😂😂 That’s a term that should be re-introduced to the Scottish Vernacular…. There’ll be youngsters that will never even heard of it 😂😂
  7. Nothing to disagree with there FS……if the rhetoric doesn’t calm there will be potential empowered mob rule, it’s a horrendous possibility
  8. I’ve tried to understate how my friends feel as I hate hyperbole……they absolutely agree with your folks
  9. Agreed FS...... People talk about Farage being a loose cannon (some may agree and some may not) but his line of populism and rhetoric is now being re-enforced by Johnson, Patel, Braverman, Truss etc. Add to that the political information axis of Musk and Cummings (especially with Musk's control of Social Media output and algorithms) and we are going down a deep and divisive rabbit-hole. The biggest issue isn't people's political beliefs (everyone is entitled to hold their own belief's), it's the way that those belief's are now coming at us through controlled channels and the bombardment and volume of misinformation that is now being taken as fact on all sides of the spectrum.
  10. Add in the "Silk Road" guy and Trump's description of the Prosecutors as "scumbags", be in no doubt about where this is headed. I referred earlier to my Texan pals who would be absolutely classic Republicans who will benefit massively financially in his time in office but they see through this despot for what he is. They voted for him first time round as they couldn't bring themselves to vote for Hilary Clinton, they voted for Harris this time despite the fact that they disagree with her politically on many things.....their only wish is that the USA somehow gets through the next four years intact and without divisions that will never heal. They would also vote for Texas secession in the current circumstances.
  11. Buckle up and hold on tight 🤠🤠
  12. This is from Texas recorded crimes compiled in 2020 covering 2012 - 2018......I'm not for any reason suggesting that immigration isn't an issue incidentally but as I mentioned earlier easy targets and populist:- We find that undocumented immigrants have substantially lower crime rates than native-born citizens and legal immigrants across a range of felony offenses. Relative to undocumented immigrants, US-born citizens are over 2 times more likely to be arrested for violent crimes, 2.5 times more likely to be arrested for drug crimes, and over 4 times more likely to be arrested for property crimes. In addition, the proportion of arrests involving undocumented immigrants in Texas was relatively stable or decreasing over this period. The differences between US-born citizens and undocumented immigrants are robust to using alternative estimates of the broader undocumented population, alternate classifications of those counted as “undocumented” at arrest and substituting misdemeanors or convictions as measures of crime.
  13. When you factor in the minimum wage in US is around $7 and if you're a waiter or waitress (or any job where you can get paid tips (20% going rate in US) it could be as little as $2.20 ph) and the first part doesn't really factor in...bigger issue is no federal taxes being paid to support the few "state benefits" they receive. Crime is a different issue but much of that isn't "immigrant" driven although Mexican drug flow is definitely an issue down south. Go to Boston, Chicago, NYC or Phillidelphia and see how many Irish folk have overstayed their Visas and disappeared off the system.......I've got a Buddy in Boston who is a musician and reckons that more than 50% of bar-staff in that City are paid "off-books/cash-in-hand" (his wife owns a bar in Brookline and that's how she pays her staff. She was in the US for over twenty years, and illegal, before she first married the first time to get her Green card. There are lawyers who specialise in such things bizarrely). Trump is majoring on the Mexicans as they're an easy enough target and makes it "look" like he's tough on immigration, it's just rhetoric and vote gaining in the worst populist fashion.
  14. I spend a fair amount of time in Texas, Dallas mostly, and our friends out there reckon without the "illegals" and the "gig economy" it would be much more difficult to get the more menial tasks done and the more basic jobs filled.....a wee bit like the UK after Brexit.
  15. Horrible but inevitable I'm afraid.... the lad in the clip below is the son of the owners of JR Group, this is the type of individual the powers that be are dealing with. Rangers fans confront Hearts fans at Tynecastle during match
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