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About Cumbriansaint72

  • Birthday 06/02/1972

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    Jonathan Obika

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  • Location
    Flimby, cumbria
  • Interests
    St Mirren, workington afc. Playing for depot team.

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Panel Pundit on Radio Clyde

Panel Pundit on Radio Clyde (13/14)

  1. You are right(and it pains me to say it)πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  2. Darvel have fell to bits, shame really but good bit of cash and exposure for them.
  3. Some good old challenges going in!!
  4. Shows how much Aberdeen players wanted him out more like. Darvel don't seem to be a bad team really and I think if they manage to get an early goal, game on
  5. I did ask the question and to be fair the posters 18 years as a child and youth care worker has to be applauded as it is a difficult job and no doubt has difficult situations to deal with. If Kibble have not long started with types of construction work then the mishaps, etc happen because of 1 thing being the quality of tradesmen available. What do I mean by this. More so post pandemic available good experienced tradespeople(must be PC these days....) will be retained by any current employers as there is a shortage of that. If Kibble decided to start to spread out into other areas then the available tradespeople to carry out such work on a permanent staff role won't be either the best that's out there or don't have the experience. It would be interesting to see if the care worker poster has young people assigned to ralston on work experience, not learning much from not the best quality tradespeople.
  6. What has to be asked in relation to your posts is that if they are that bad in carrying out a project and you do state glaringly that they are. Why do you still work for them? Don't you have any pride in your work and maybe work elsewhere. Just saying.
  7. I did wonder how long it would take someone to point out my balls up againπŸ˜‰πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£
  8. Well a scrappy 3 points would do then as well. All about getting points on board now.
  9. Getting a bit of superbowl in, got everything sorted for HRH Mrs CS coming back tomorrow πŸ‘πŸ‘
  10. To be honest did really, really well with Luton maybe totally punching above their weight in championship but the gulf in standard of basically everything between Premier league and a very workmanlike championship team is frightening. He is a decent manager but too early for Premier league.
  11. Not bothered if its a scrappy win, just the 3 points to get us going again.
  12. Proper bus, passed my psv in one like that, older one with no power steering and crash box.
  13. Yeah I remember them too. Only time we went on their buses was when I was taken to Barrhead for the dentist our wonderful Mr Spence. 😑😑😑
  14. Let's just hope they don't have this new manager bounce on Wednesday. Could they not have waited til we got 3 points and then sack him.................
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