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Everything posted by weeian1877

  1. The Glen Bun Bakers in Glenburn ....nudge nudge wink wink
  2. Had a brief talk with a couple of boys tonight. We kind of said the same but I think whoever is in charge of the dome needs to know that there's got to be more effort in making sure it's at a standard which makes us want to use it on a weekly basis. The goals situation is embarrassing and the surface needs to be looked at aswell imo.
  3. f**k sake McGregor is on the bench for Hibs and as for Lee Mair just naw!! Try again...
  4. To be fair having a f**king runny nose should have no impact on trapping a ball played to your feet!!!
  5. Just a name I heard mentioned. Think he was with DUFC? Plays RB.
  6. Not looking good for him. Just spoke to him and he's fearing the worst! Said he heard it pop. Could be similar to McGregors injury! Fingers crossed for him.
  7. Not a chance he'll be back. As mentioned he has offers and is going to do what's best for him career wise and financially. Can imagine some of the pellets on this having a meltdown at the thought of him re-signing. But like I said never gonna happen.
  8. I know the paper's usually talk shite but today's Sun claiming John has headed over to America for a trial. Owen Coyle involved so sounds like it could be true??
  9. Ironic that you tell someone to grow up then claim he only got a game because of his dad. Playground stuff at its finest?
  10. Absolute shitebag of a player. Good riddance!!
  11. Broonadonna hahaha is that in his heyday or how he looks now lol. Was a good game. Like Brian said, even teams make it a tight game. If only Mark Kennedy could keep his legs closed that tight:p:p
  12. I've seen you blowing out your arse at the dome so you should be fine on a full size pitch lol. I've played last few years. It's a great day enjoy mate!
  13. Thanks David I would take more plaudits if it wasn't big stef in goals lol. The pass pretty much made the goal Fraser! Nicky were you not in goals at the time of another long range effort ?:p:p
  14. Got this done last Friday at Minerva in Barrhead. Cost me £80.
  15. Oh f**k that's my old man's company doing the work....better book the pitz again lol.
  16. Think that's fair to be honest as had the game been on that's what would have happened. I've managed to get a ball David so I'll bring it next week.
  17. 100% correct. I looked through the list a few days ago and half the boys on the list I didn't know and a few who very rarely play?
  18. It usually does and hopefully will with thommo. But what is John McGinns excuse?
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