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Everything posted by BuddieinEK

  1. £20 is a lot and I think it is too dear in isolation... ... but if kids prices are right it is acceptable. Thistle have it spot on imo... £20 for adults and under 16s free. I'm taking in their second home game tonight as a neutral due to their fair pricing.
  2. Far too much doom and gloom. Have you forgotten that we managed to win a league title with NO strikers in the squad?!!!!!!
  3. Cornell Robertson McAusland Goodwin Grainger Newton McGinn Teale McGowan Harkins Thommo
  4. Entirely up to the clubs. That's why I didn't go to Inverness. .. They wanted £37 for me and the lad (who is 15). We went to Firhill instead and it cost £20 for us both as under 16's are free. THAT is sensible pricing... we're going back this Friday too.
  5. There's another Saints league if anyone is interested... this one has been running for several years and is primarily Saints fans from the official forum... there is also a head to head league... ... Code to join this league: 1204918-277799
  6. It is a total farce... but it is a farce that we agreed to and in doing so, lost the right to complain about it.
  7. Well what's stopping you from doing so? Sent from my GT-I9300 using Black & White Army mobile app
  8. No idea but I bet they taste funny to cannibals! Sent from my GT-I9300 using Black & White Army mobile app
  9. Did anyone notice the central defensive partnership that shipped three goals in 45 minutes to the Dunfermline U20's? Dilo, Naismith, McGregor, Mair, Kelly, Stewart, Dillon, Brady, Cuddihy, Reilly, Scullion.
  10. Totally agree Drew... we as a club signed up to it, like others, showing where our priorities lie. I have said for years that chasing the tv cash cow is what will ultimately bring the game to its knees and force other clubs to go to the wall. Year by year, more and more fans are becoming disillusioned and are lost to the game. Clubs don't try to get them back because they have tv cash... Mr Doncaster seems to see chasing extra tv cash as his raison d'etre! Eventually, TV companies will wisen up and realise that they are putting too much cash into a game in terminal decline and reduce their offers substantially... by which time clubs will have fewer paying customers to help them ride out the storm!!! Clubs need to start budgeting NOW for reduced tv cash because it will happen! Clubs need to start listening TO fans and trying to attract more back to the game because they will need them.
  11. It may well be a priority but when prioritising priorities, I'd place it below a forward and a no-nonsense centre half. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Black & White Army mobile app
  12. As I said previously, my core team are all on fixed contracts of between 14 and 35 hours depending on what suits them. I don't use zero hour contracts for anyone who relies on this for income as I couldn't guarantee shifts. As I explained in my last post, we deliberately moved away from having all staff on zero hour contracts a decade ago. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Black & White Army mobile app
  13. That is Statutory Sick Pay which I believe to be an entitlement to anyone who is not being paid whilst off work. I think Gordon may have meant that he doesn't get a wage when off sick... which is the case in many employers nowadays. If I expand a bit further on my own use of zero hours contracts and how I believe they have their place if not abused (and sadly they are open to abuse)... ... I manage a daycare centre for people with dementia... continuity and familiar faces are important in this field. Initially we had a pool of sessional workers all on zero hour contracts. This was because our biggest "customer" was the local Council... when they had cash in their budget they would be referring like crazy... but when the budgets dried up they would refer nobody. Equally, we could have 100 hours of homecare one week and none the following week as people had gone into respite. Despite the risk, my Management Committee were actually very forward thinking for a voluntary organisation, and put the core team on fixed contracts. This was a massive risk as we had fixed expenditure and no guaranteed income! However... ... I have practically NO staff turnover now and have continuity for my Service Users. I also provide placements to the local college and aside from that, volunteer opportunities. When a placement has come to a conclusion, if the student has been of a standard I deem good enough and there is an opportunity within my team, I will offer a zero hours contract. If I have annual leave of sickness and need cover, I can call on someone who is familiar with my centre, the requirements, and most importantly for me, the people they will be caring for. If they are not available, I ask someone else... no harm done... but if it suits them, they get extra cash and I get continuity of service. My ground rules are that anybody on a zero hours contract attends staff meetings and is paid for doing so... they get holiday pay automatically based on the hours worked and regardless of whether they have worked 12 consecutive weeks... and they know that they are a valued part of my team. They get offered every training opportunity that other staff do and are paid to attend training, and get supervision too, frequency based on hours worked. I make every effort to be fair to them, and in return get a lot of loyalty. I currently have two staff on zero hours contracts... one ex-student, and one person who volunteers but I felt I wanted to be able to offer a wage to if I specifically asked her to come in and work because I needed her. I know that many employers abuse the use of zero hour contracts... but hopefully this has shown a good example of them being used in a very positive way.
  14. I just wonder if the command to "play football" was ringing in his ear... he could easily have put his laces through it and out for a throw... but he hesitated and seemed to try a pass instead. Early days for him... but I am expecting better from him. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Black & White Army mobile app
  15. Indeed The Partick Thistle central defender's are both young... but solid and a good partnership. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Black & White Army mobile app
  16. I have a couple of relief staff on a zero hours contract, simply as back up in an emergency. They get the same rate as regular staff, and pro-rata holiday pay based on hours actually worked. Both have jobs elsewhere and are happy to take an odd shift here and there. Surely that is better than having to use an agency and end up with unknown quantities who have no knowledge of the people they are caring for? Sent from my GT-I9300 using Black & White Army mobile app
  17. What happened to Jon Pertwee? Sent from my GT-I9300 using Black & White Army mobile app
  18. you are missing the point here... under contract or not, he has time and again proven to be a liability at the back... and one of the main reasons that we need to bring in another cb. He was the guy our defence was to be built around and he quite simply is not up to the job.
  19. Still not convinced that McGregor has the discipline to play that role, but it is better than wasting Gowser there and well worth a try. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Black & White Army mobile app
  20. Personally, I don't think Thistle will struggle. They are much stronger at the back than us, despite their defence being so young. Besides... if you are placing your survival hopes on another team being worse than us, it's going to be a helluva long season. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Black & White Army mobile app
  21. Got them OUT of the relegation zone and then subsequently back into it. Sent from my GT-I9300 using Black & White Army mobile app
  22. I'd rather he learned how to defend rather than ruining a promising young players career! Sent from my GT-I9300 using Black & White Army mobile app
  23. Just watched his post match interview! I'm glad we're adding "another bow to our dimension" but gutted that after the break, ICT "scored within 60 minutes"!!! Sent from my GT-I9300 using Black & White Army mobile app
  24. You missed out trip to Kirkcaldy then? Sent from my GT-I9300 using Black & White Army mobile app
  25. "so far this season"... ... that will be on the strength of one match then? Mair is NOT part of our plans but due to contractual obligations, we are stuck with him. Fair enough... he is due what he is due and if all other defenders lose both legs we could call on him to help out... ... but he makes Bobby Dawson look like a world class defender and Peter Godfrey like Coloccini!!! I'd much rather go with Goodwin and McAusland than have Mair in that defence.
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