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Was sent a link - must watch

Isle Of Bute Saint

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Was like oh no not another 9/11 conspiracy video My friend pleaded me to watch it. Shit ok ! During the film I was shocked, really shocked that is the strongest evidance I have seen to date. Youtube-9/11 The Anatomy Of A Great Deception Documentary. Well worth a watch. 

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12 hours ago, Isle Of Bute Saint said:

Physics  and demolition experts can not be wrong. BUT WHY  ? 

Nope sorry bud but this is just more conspiracy theory guff.

You need to ask yourself how many people would have to be in the know for this to be true. It would have to be thousands of people. Something concrete would definitely have leaked by now.

You also need to ask why on earth the pentagon would be attacked.

The Americans seem to be obsessed with conspiracy theories. Probably best to leave them to it.

We have no history of passenger jumbo jets flying into buildings so these experts have no basis for their certainty that something is wrong.

Edited by oaksoft
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3 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Nope sorry bud but this is just more conspiracy theory guff.

You need to ask yourself how many people would have to be in the know for this to be true. It would have to be thousands of people. Something concrete would definitely have leaked by now.

You also need to ask why on earth the pentagon would be attacked.

The Americans seem to be obsessed with conspiracy theories. Probably best to leave them to it.

We have no history of passenger jumbo jets flying into buildings so these experts have no basis for their certainty that something is wrong.

Did you watch it No7 in its self is compelling.  After watching that documentary I'm more open to it than at any time given the facts on that programed they are not somebody's theory. 

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5 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Nope sorry bud but this is just more conspiracy theory guff.

You need to ask yourself how many people would have to be in the know for this to be true. It would have to be thousands of people. Something concrete would definitely have leaked by now.

You also need to ask why on earth the pentagon would be attacked.

The Americans seem to be obsessed with conspiracy theories. Probably best to leave them to it.

We have no history of passenger jumbo jets flying into buildings so these experts have no basis for their certainty that something is wrong.

I'm with you on this one, Oaky. Before the dust had settled over New York on 9/11 I had said to the present Mrs.McD that the conspiracy theorists would have a ball game with this. Haven't seen it all yet but nothing so far has struck me as convincing. How do you prove a negative? Or do I mean positive? Humpty Dumpty was pushed.

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1 hour ago, Isle Of Bute Saint said:

Did you watch it No7 in its self is compelling.  After watching that documentary I'm more open to it than at any time given the facts on that programed they are not somebody's theory. 

Yes I am aware of the conversations around No7.

Until someone with good credentials can provide solid evidence to prove anything then I am not interested.

Unanswered questions are not proof of anything. Obviously some of the footage looks weird but I don't trust anyone on stuff like that until they can provide solid proof.

Americans in particular seem to see every unanswered question or weird unexplained thing as some massive conspiracy theory and they routinely drag normal decent people into their web. I am only interested in solid proof bud.

Here's a quick reasonable answer to the very first question which that presenter asked himself. "Why did Bush take nearly half an hour to leave the school when he was clearly told by a secret service agent." Good question right? From there, this one presenter went on a Dickson-esque journey where he nearly lost his marriage and his business.

Let me attempt to give one possible reason which is dull but hopefully not unreasonable. We appear to see a secret agent whispering into Bush's ear. Fine. BUT we have absolutely no idea what he said to Bush. Why do we assume this was Bush being informed about a terrorist attack? I am pretty sure there is also likely to be a delay between an incident happening and a president being informed anyway. It could simply be that he was only told the bare minimum until further clarification was received. Doesn't that seem reasonable?

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3 minutes ago, RickMcD said:

I'm with you on this one, Oaky. Before the dust had settled over New York on 9/11 I had said to the present Mrs.McD that the conspiracy theorists would have a ball game with this. Haven't seen it all yet but nothing so far has struck me as convincing. How do you prove a negative? Or do I mean positive? Humpty Dumpty was pushed.

Exactly. It is not for specialists to prove it was not a demolition job.

The onus in a decent society lies with the accuser to prove it WAS a demolition job. Showing footage of puffs of smoke coming from lower windows as the building came down is not proof of it being a demolition job.

TBH I would like to think that these conspiracy nutters would simply think for a second about the damage their programmes do to the relatives of these disasters. In their personal journey towards fame (which is what they are after - they ALL want to be the historical figure to uncover the next Watergate scandal) they have forgotten the silent victims in all of this. I think that is absolutely deplorable.

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5 minutes ago, Slartibartfast said:

I would think that would easily be explained by parts of the inside of the building collapsing slightly before the outside walls and it was actually dust etc. and not smoke.

Yep. Again a reasonable explanation and one I would think is probably most likely. I just don't understand why anyone would simply ignore that and go straight to bombs.

How would all those bombs get in there for a start without a single maintenance person noticing. It would have taken months of effort to rig the entire place up and tons of explosives to make sure it worked. There would be wires everywhere. I am also pretty sure that demolition people weaken the structure before putting explosives in place. I am pretty sure they don't just wheelbarrow in bombs and pile them next to the columns. They would have had to have been carried by hand.

To my mind the demolition theory falls apart on basic practicalities. It could realistically be done IMO.

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31 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

TBH I would like to think that these conspiracy nutters would simply think for a second about the damage their programmes do to the relatives of these disasters. In their personal journey towards fame (which is what they are after - they ALL want to be the historical figure to uncover the next Watergate scandal) they have forgotten the silent victims in all of this. I think that is absolutely deplorable.

I imagine that the families of victims want the truth. That certainly seems to be the case in terms of many of those affected by the Lockerbie bomb.

I wouldn't immediately jump to the assumption that questioning the established account is necessarily a conspiracy theory. Conspiracy theorists tend to have an agenda. People with an inquisitive/investigative approach might simply be seeking the truth.

A healthy scepticism in all things is a decent starting point.

Edited by Drew
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My wife and I knew someone who died at the twin towers. NY Fire Chief Pete Gancy. When one of the towers collapsed, he, with colleagues, was right outside the tower on the sidewalk as it started falling. Eyewitness reports state that the force of the collapse blew people right off the ground, they flew through the air and died when they hit the nearest building. We've been to the 911 museum, and found his name on the memorial pools located on the footprints of the original towers. I don't buy into a conspiracy theory.

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5 minutes ago, Slartibartfast said:

Ach, it's piss easy to bring down buildings successfully without much preparation.  Just look at the Red Road flats. :)

Fair enough this is not my specialist area but..............without anyone noticing?

In a packed out building containing thousands of members of staff?

It's also fair to say that we are talking about a significantly bigger building to the Red Road flats.

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6 minutes ago, Drew said:

I imagine that the families of victims want the truth. That certainly seems to be the case in terms of many of those affected by the Lockerbie bomb.

I wouldn't immediately jump to the assumption that questioning the established account is necessarily a conspiracy theory. Conspiracy theorists tend to have an agenda. People with an inquisitive/investigative approach might simply be seeking the truth.

A healthy scepticism in all things is a decent starting point.

I absolutely agree but it also seems fair to ask them to ensure they have actual evidence first before taking to the internet.

Until evidence proves otherwise, the families of the victims already have the truth.

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8 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Nope sorry bud but this is just more conspiracy theory guff.

You need to ask yourself how many people would have to be in the know for this to be true. It would have to be thousands of people. Something concrete would definitely have leaked by now.

You also need to ask why on earth the pentagon would be attacked.

The Americans seem to be obsessed with conspiracy theories. Probably best to leave them to it.

We have no history of passenger jumbo jets flying into buildings so these experts have no basis for their certainty that something is wrong.

Did you watch it No7 in its self is compelling.  After watching that documentary I'm more open to it than at any time given the facts on that programed they are not somebody's theory. 

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Oaksoft tell me at what temperature mental flows . Tell me why No7 building fell inward.  Tell me how three independent companies found highly explosive partials found in the dust.  Explain why steel melts considering what temperature it takes for to steal melt when in the offical report it was not the plane fuel that brought down the towers but office furniture. Tell me why in the history of the world why no sky skyscraper burning for hours and days has never collapsed. 9/11 was less than one hour. Only  three have collapsed (3 ) in 9/11. Tell me why recordings of explosions ( recorded) testimonials from Fire fighters and Police is ignored? Seriously I I await with interests.  Why is this not in the offical report to be debunked  Do you understand how wars are started? Do you know how propaganda works. Have you looked into the history of Pearl Harbour  the facts of how the American government had intelligence of Pear Harber before it happened  ?   This was the start of the real war in the middle east helped by poisoning minds , in other words propaganda  . What did the Nazi party say. Tell a lie often enough and you will convince the masses. Watch the film and then I will listen to you I'm open minded.  

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11 minutes ago, TopCat said:


Watch the nay geo documentary when experts debunk the conspiracy theories one by one with science.

Absolutely amazes me that people still believe this nonsense.


Can I ask why you never paid the £50 bet ( you made ) with me has never been paid. Don't want it as it was for charity just wondering why you are full of shite ? 

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