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Callum Gilhooley

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Everything posted by Callum Gilhooley

  1. As has been said , he has a point . I’ve always thought it was ludicrous that you could play football with your pal from next door at the weekend buy walked separate ways on a school day . All schools should be non denominational, it might go some way to help rid us of Scotlands sectarian shame ……….eventually !
  2. One of the early inductees to the St.Mirren hall of fame and rightly so. R.I.P. Aber. 😔
  3. I assume you mean the Scottish championship , if so …….Really ? Like who ? Don’t you think there’s a good reason most of them are plying their trade in championship ?
  4. Selective reading does you no favours. I Clearly said Tory driven . Would you argue with that statement ? Hands up time from me - I’ve rightly accused you for selective reading when I was guilty myself by missing your point about my pension pre Truss - we’ll call that one a score draw .🙄
  5. Two things : 1. No one asked about my pension pre Truss so I didn’t feel compelled to answer 🤷‍♂️ 2. thank you for your graph , not only does it highlight the drop after that budget but also shows an even bigger drop in early Jan 2020 ……wonder which Tory driven event caused that ? No ? , here’s a clue it begins with Br & ends with exit 😡
  6. It has almost got back on track but the money which was lost has never been recovered fully . The f**k up was totally the fault of the Tory party . and let’s not forget, it was “quickly remedied “ as you put it by the financial services market ( not the Tory Government) who exerted such pressure on the idiot Tory PM & Chancellor forcing them to be kicked out. eta. Btw , I’ll be round to your place tomorrow to pan yer windows in & I’ll be back next week to board them up. make sure you’ve got my reward for putting it right 😎
  7. Love how that smarmy c**t Sunak was crowing about interest rates being at 2.3% while conveniently omitting the fact that it was his stupid Tory pals who f**ked it up in the first place causing rampant inflation and decimated pension funds !! Thats like me panning in all your windows then boarding them up for you & expecting a pat on the back !!
  8. Got mine done ok yesterday . 10 minutes - no issues . 👍⚽️
  9. Well done to the club in keeping the rise to just 5% . I will certainly be taking advantage of the early bird offer as I’m sure many thousands more will . Good to see the family stand offer again & the new Youth inventive. 👏👏👏 Really couldn’t care less if some Auld fart taxi / private hire tosser decides not to buy - he won’t be missed. 👋
  10. They are certainly smaller than I had expected but still look good . Hope the local neds leave them alone 😡
  11. Hi Hunterian , I’ll take your bet . A pint of lager ( or Beverage of your choice worth less than £4.85 ) on that by virtue of them winning both games but I’ll fancy the ‘Dee will drop points against “them” and also get horsed by Aberdeen . I’ll see in the pub of your choice at full time on April whateverthef**kitis to collect my winning pint . Cheers 🍻
  12. Don’t know where you got the cut n paste bit but hopefully whoever put that together is first to be prosecuted for crimes against spelling - it’s colour !! something must be done about this blatant spellaphobia !! 😑
  13. Love the guy in the SLO jacket urging the police to stay calm 😂😂😂
  14. I know there was a thread previously for this but I can’t find it !! We play 6 a side indoor at the MOBO facility on Inchinnan road 8pm on Mondays . We are always happy to take new players - all ages ,all levels of ability ( but not too fast 😉) If anyone would like to add their name to the list , looking to get back into playing & helping to drink the kitty 🍻 just drop me a msg . Would like to keep the game going and have as many Buds as possible in the squad.
  15. VAR is a shambles and should be got rid of, brings nothing to the game, instead of clearing up controversy it muddies the water even further . It breaks up the flow of the game and leaves fans and players alike confused and bewildered. Yes , I know it’s humans that make the ultimate decisions but for me I’d rather discuss the performance of a useless, incompetent or biased ref in the pub after the game rather than said ref, how many more arseholes in a wee office somewhere, multiple camera angles , stupid offside lines & replays and even more baffling decisions . Saturdays Motherwell game was a beauty ….. to disallow ‘Wells goal after the ball shaves off a jumping players arm which he Knew nothing about then refuse the same team a Penalty after Shinnie blatantly hits the ball with his elbow is beyond belief ! What f**king good did the cameras and slo-mos do there keep yer pitchside monitor, yer ref doing his ‘it’s a TV programme ‘Charades crap & a couple of guys hiding in a wee office . Costs money we don’t have & delays the game unnecessarily.
  16. Don’t mind admitting that after his early games with us & his subsequent slide to Arbroaths bench last season I wondered why we had given him a two year deal . Early this season he showed some real improvement before slipping back to mediocre again ……however , two goals in two games which helped secure 4 points where 0 looked the most likely outcome has most certainly earned him massive brownie points from me . He is still very raw , spends as much time on his arse as on his feet and still needs to remember to take the ball with him at times but let’s hope he can continue the form of the last couple of games and more.
  17. Don’t think they have a hope of winning that appeal .
  18. Only two of the starting eleven who lost to Darvel are still at the club . As shit as they were that day, I don’t think they can be blamed for Dons current predicament.
  19. Council needs to build up the coffers after spunking zillions on the Museum ( if it ever opens) Town hall & the High street Library . 🙄
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