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Scottish Election 2016


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Innovation, Investment, and tackling inequality.

When your economy is on it's knees; your budget deficit is rising at an alarming rate; growth is sluggish at best and a lot weaker than around the rest of the UK; when your previous "safe bet" oil industry that you were going to build your whole economy around is dying a death and making workers redundant at an alarming rate - you'd expect a dedicated economy secretary to do more than offer sound bites he found on a blog website.

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I see the SNP decided not to stick to their election pledge to ban fracking in Scotland. I have to admit it's quite impressive to have started breaking election promises in such a brazen was so soon after the election. I wonder if it has anything to do with yesterdays revelation that wind farms in England are unsustainable because there isn't enough wind. I wonder if the penny finally dropped that the same is absolutely true in Scotland

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I know I shouldn't encourage him but the SNP never said in their manifesto that they would ban fracking, they said they would maintain the current moratorium on fracking pending further information. This is quite a smart move, really, since it means that no fracking can take place and there's no time limit, but that no legal challenge can be mounted as has happened in England.

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I know I shouldn't encourage him but the SNP never said in their manifesto that they would ban fracking, they said they would maintain the current moratorium on fracking pending further information. This is quite a smart move, really, since it means that no fracking can take place and there's no time limit, but that no legal challenge can be mounted as has happened in England.

The nonsense vote in Holyrood last week could actually help the fracking industry with a future appeal.

Scottish Government have the correct approach, moratorium until evidence can be evaluated as to the effect on the environment.

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Aye, but was it authentic Scottish Italian, and more to the point , where did the pesto come from ? Just how European was that meal

I'm voting out due to the pesky pesto and marauding mozzarella damage
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The SNP pledged to ban fracking in Scotland, then delegates had a vote at conference revealing a huge split amongst the party membership. That's why the SNP won't ban fracking. It's got f**k all to do with legal challenges from Westminster cause let's face it the SNP don't usually miss an opportunity for a chance to square up to Westminster

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Nothing to do with Westminster legal challenges, more to do with big business legal challenges. You know, legal, where they go to court. Like with minimum unit pricing of alcohol, currently going through just such a challenge.

But you knew that, anyway...

And I know it's hard for you to understand a party that maintains what it said in its manifesto when it gets into power but that's what's happening.

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Having a go at me by suggesting my behaviour is similar to that of someone who has a mental illness. You're using mental health symptoms as a way of having a go at me... Because you think it's funny and will generate laughs. You seem to think that someone who suffers from mental illness (either me ANother) is to be laughed at.

If I wrote something that vaguely made you think of an ethnic minority would you call me a p*ki or a n*gger?

The "I'm only getting at him" argument doesn't wash and is the first refuge of the fascist. If you're using mental health stereotypes to "get at" me, you're also getting at people who have mental health issues. Wise up!

Salmondbuddie appears to have a deep hatred of disabled people.

The natsi gang on this forum like to hound anyone who disagreed with them.

It's worse than Tenko!

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Salmondbuddie appears to have a deep hatred of disabled people.

The natsi gang on this forum like to hound anyone who disagreed with them.

It's worse than Tenko!

Nescafe for me every time.
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Well been on here as a supporter of Scotland not the SNP, Even though I am a member, however. My work depends on a strong pound and if I look to short term I am goosed, however long term and ethics starting to kick in.

I am voting Out I do believe UK is better to make its own mistakes. And another shock horror for SD I agree. SNP are peddling backwards. Added to the farmers fiasco I am fast losing hope

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Nothing to do with Westminster legal challenges, more to do with big business legal challenges. You know, legal, where they go to court. Like with minimum unit pricing of alcohol, currently going through just such a challenge.

But you knew that, anyway...

And I know it's hard for you to understand a party that maintains what it said in its manifesto when it gets into power but that's what's happening.

Ah, so what you are saying is that the SNP made a pledge to the Scottish Electorate that they knew was illegal? A pledge they knew they could never keep because the courts would boot them in the bollocks? And you say it's not the first time either? You say this also happened with minimum unit pricing of alcohol.

Well, well - what a revelation. :rolleyes:

And you try to sell this as a positive? Joseph Goebels wouldn't half be proud.....:rolleyes:

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I see Alex Salmond could be in a bit of bother too. In his Scottish Parliament Register Of Interests he claims

I receive the benefit of a First Ministerial pension of £2598 per month, which is being donated in full to the Mary Salmond Trust to support youth and community causes across the North East of Scotland. [Registered 31 March 2015]

£2,598 x 12 = £31,176

In 2014 the Mary Salmond Trust had an income of £4.

In 2015 an income of £7848

and as yet in 2016 not one penny has been paid in.

So where is the missing £85,646?

Naughty Mr Salmond


Edited by Stuart Dickson
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Ah, so what you are saying is that the SNP made a pledge to the Scottish Electorate that they knew was illegal? A pledge they knew they could never keep because the courts would boot them in the bollocks? And you say it's not the first time either? You say this also happened with minimum unit pricing of alcohol.

Well, well - what a revelation. :rolleyes:

And you try to sell this as a positive? Joseph Goebels wouldn't half be proud.....:rolleyes:

A pledge to maintain a moratorium is illegal? Gathering evidence is illegal? Proposing legislation is illegal?

Wow, even by your standards that's some leap. And this is precisely why I promised not to engage any more. Bye.

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Always eggs for breakfast for me. Either fried, boiled and mashed, poached or an omelette with some tomatoes, spring onion and maybe salami or ham. Usually with two slices of wholemeal toast or, if i'm feeling fancy, a couple of toasted potato scones. I try to limit my sugar intake to the equivalent of a couple of tea spoons per day. It really is terrible for your health and waistline! That's the issue with the flavoured porridge, full of sugar and artificial guff!

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Always eggs for breakfast for me. Either fried, boiled and mashed, poached or an omelette with some tomatoes, spring onion and maybe salami or ham. Usually with two slices of wholemeal toast or, if i'm feeling fancy, a couple of toasted potato scones. I try to limit my sugar intake to the equivalent of a couple of tea spoons per day. It really is terrible for your health and waistline! That's the issue with the flavoured porridge, full of sugar and artificial guff!

As Michael Stipe sang

That's me in the kit-chen

Cooking up an omlette

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