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  1. This would seem to back up the celtic fans who say there is no sell on clause
  2. I'm told by a celtic supporter that there is no sell on clause as there is an appearance fee if he plays x number of games etc.. He seems to be in the know about celtic contracts if Morgan does become an established first team player the contract is weighted in our favour if he does not make it then all we get is the 300k plus the loan this season
  3. Just hope he doesn't believe all the press and start worrying about getting injured and start playing crap. I hope celtic told him to keep progressing
  4. As long as robbo is greeting in his post match interview is saying his team were the better team after another three goal loss I will be happy.
  5. Bet when he did it he did not think he would turn into a cult figure lol top man
  6. We all know Kenny shiels has a chip on his shoulder when it comes to us so no surprise that we are mentioned in a negative manner. I know it's not right but most players get abused every game it's just because of his disability that's being highlighted. Dave Bowman of utd never complained when he was abused for his disability
  7. The trouble is Sutton offers us a target man. Ross insists on punting High balls in with two small strikers who have no chance. If plan A does not work we do not have the players for plan B
  8. Plenty of snow on great Western Rd. Depending on who you believe our old chairman said our system can't cope with snow. Our new BOD said if you put it on its highest setting it can. The amount snow it needs to be on high or the game will be off
  9. John Sutton staying to fight for his place. If he gets the right service he can still do it for us
  10. At the end of the day we got something Not sure about the add ons as I do not think he will break into the celtic first team. Probably end up another mallan might get to the bench. 300k is nothing to celtic and probably a fair price for a development team player He might be sent out on loan
  11. Well that's Mallans chance of getting a game gone. They are going to buy better quality players now and he is struggling to get a game the now
  12. We make it hard to keep the faith after last week and now this struggle
  13. Is this where our title push comes to an end and now we are pushing for a top four finish?.
  14. It's an OTT reaction from the club. The worrying thing is that we could be on a championship winning season so they have banned flags and banners until the end of the season maybe the BOD do not have faith in their club A stupid decision needs a rethink from the club
  15. Oh when we play them they will only lose by six or seven as we will not give a toss in the second half and probably let them score same as our professional first team
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