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Jack the lad

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First team regular (8/14)

  1. And another, welcome aboard Akin.
  2. No I dont really want him back. Him and his dad think there big time. Decent championship player nothing more IMO. The complete opposite to what I found. I had the pleasure of meeting both on a few occasions in the bar after games and along with everyone else in the company found them both to be polite, humble and decent guys. I for one think wee Gav would still be a welcome addition to our misfiring strike force. It wouldn't surprise me if he showed up at Hibz with Jack!
  3. Could you also decide not to give this forum another post? Pleeeeeease? I smiled when I read that.
  4. New guys need to hit the ground running, not the easiest of openers.
  5. Oh dear someone obviously has a gripe with wee Gav, did he pump yer, partner? I'm presuming you have one!
  6. Has he left yet (officially)? Just asking for a friend!
  7. Well time to dust ourselves down and go again, another massive game this weekend against the Accies and which will be more season defining than last night's.
  8. Aye ok but if we don't score then we're not going to win!!!
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