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Everything posted by Buddymarvellous

  1. Seems he's signed up for Hollyoaks as well....
  2. I think we Nicola was unlucky - remember she was only demanding the right to hold an Indy2 and expected it to be a couple of years down the line once Brexit deal was clear. It would never happen unless she was sure from opinion polls that she would win it. Where she lost out was the calling of a snap election in the middle of all the debate - this gave the opposition a big stick to hit her with instead of putting forward clear policies of their own.
  3. Danny Kyle song .. only youtube I could find has a few jokes between verses..
  4. I liked him in Ivanhoe ... can still sing the theme tune...cannae remember whit happened last week though
  5. It's hiding in the notes "Current season ticket holders will have until Sunday 2nd July 2017 to secure their own seat, after this time all unsold seats will be released and sold on a first come first serve basis."
  6. You seem very smug about your contentment.....
  7. I think the wee drum we use is a Bodhrán hand held thing and I quite like it but the big drums like the 'well fans use really got on ma tits and if we ever go down that road then I woulld be for banning them.
  8. That was a good read ... loved the bit about the ref "Referee Jack Mowat came tearing across the field one time blowing his whistle like a fireman who's heard there's a brewery alight"
  9. In the proverbial words of Faraway 'Great thread'...
  10. Harry Hill's Alien fun capsule is on just now - just 'bumped ' into it but laughfin out loud...
  11. I thought Lewis Morgan and Stellios worked very well together - Lewis always back assisting and Stellios up the wing with him - hope this partnership develops
  12. What a pass to Stellios for first goal - sublime....
  13. He's black he's white he's f@@@in dynamite Paul Mcknight...
  14. In the days of Bobby Pinkerton we sang.. We'll drinka drinka drink to Bobby the pink the pink the pink the saviour of the StMirren tea-u-m
  15. Seven minutes on The Rangers who were not playing today in this Scottish Cup edition of Sportscene
  16. Well said Steve - It must be hard to let some of the drivell on here wash over you but you need to remember that the same vocal minority slagged off Kenny McLean and John McGinn - it was probably the same mob that moaned about Billy Stark too ( or maybe their faithers) but those boys went on to do okay. KTF with the buds and KTF with wee Stevie
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