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Posted (edited)

What was the crowd for this game

About 3750?

ATE: 3703 according to the OS.

Edited by Drew

Two paras versus a veritable chapter....and it's me who's bitten. Fekk, no Rolf smilies on the phone app.....

Switch the paranoia off and re-read what I wrote, it doesn't mention you being reported by me.

At the risk of repeating myself (for the hard of thinking), yes, I suggested you f**k off. You didn't. I didn't, however, say you were a fanny, I said you were making yourself look like a fanny. La plus ca change.....




Ah!  So you are fond of dishing it out but can't take it being served up to you.  As you are so sensitive perhaps this forum isn't the place for you?


Can you honestly not see the difference between the two? I was referring to what you said directly about me - calling me a "clown." Personal abuse.

You are making yourself look like a fanny. Self-abuse.

One could conclude that you are, in fact, a self-abuser.


Posted Image

Oh!  I called you a "clown"!  Oh, dearie me!  That must be the worst thing you could ever say to someone and much worse than telling someone to "f**k off" and saying they look like a "fanny"!  Report me to the Police!  To be fair you do look like a clown and come across as a clown, hence why I concluded that you are a clown.


Also, I see you are coming on here earlier and earlier every day to respond to my posts - are you having trouble sleeping from thinking about me all the time! Posted Image


Verge of tears.

Kemp, he had a go at me for poking fun at faraway, not him, as I've pointed out too many times. I'm having too much fun, if that makes me infantile, let me enjoy it - when you get to my age, it doesn't happen too often.



I agree with you Kemp.  Unfortunately characters like SalmonBuddie seem to prefer to play "ping/pong", "aye/naw" and "flip/flop" in the main forums.  I would happily resolve any differences via PM with anyone if they were prepared to but sadly it seems to be "cool" to start bun fights all over the place...

Prove it! Never been there in my life.

Gents, please make use of the PM function so the rest of us dont need to read your infantile shite.

You tell them Kempzo! FEck of the pair o yeflipa.gif


Sometimes you just have to step back from the keyboard and say to yir sel' it only a fitba forum I don't know any of these guy's and what they don't matter. Its probly jist me taking it wrang. Jist leave it.

If I didnae dae that once or twice a day, I'd think Smokie didnae love mewhistling.gif

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