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    Kyle Magennis

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Panel Pundit on SKY

Panel Pundit on SKY (14/14)

  1. Almost certainly. That is the difference between them and decent tories. After all, the tories also want to wreck the NHS and make the rich richer. You only have to have heard Farage talking about the PM to recognise the pattern. And before any idiot decides to try to make similarities between them and the SNP, and there will be those desperate enough to cover up the inherent racism, the SNP are fighting to allow Scotland to make it's own decisions, not stop people from coming here and making a life for themselves. They are NOT trying to shut borders. Only recognise they are there.
  2. OR. How can you take these polls seriously with that stat? Surely not all the rangers fans are racist?
  3. Wouldn't you have to be the former to be the latter? Not to mention callous.
  4. Well done to Gleniffer 2009's. A well deserved 4-2 win and yet another trophy to their excellent haul. One more cup final next week then it's time for some to move onwards and upwards. Including my grandson. Soo Pwoud..
  5. Only one choice at this election. Don't let the unionist press put you off. SNP is our ONLY way out.
  6. Well that'll be 90 odd minutes I won't get back. On the plus side. A striker scored a decent goal for us but I was expecting much better from Scotland.
  7. Swinney to urge voters 'to put Scotland's interests first' - BBC News
  8. It's just that they're making noises about needing a right back/right wingback. I'm probably putting two and two together and getting forty two.
  9. Anyone heard if Ryan's got a new gig or do you think he'll end up at Jam Tarts?
  10. I have contributed only to criticise the inclusion in a Saints forum. As I said. It is, ATM, other football. Because I don't think it should be in this forum it doesn't mean I can't post my opinion of this.
  11. Many people are but the average consumer price to wages ratio is usually better than when a government took office. That is not to say that everyone is better off. This government has overseen wage to price ratios worsen considerably and it is about to get even worse. No matter who takes power.
  12. No. At least not financially. That's a very simplistic way of looking at things. Generally speaking we are normally better off money wise. Even through the Thatcher years financially we were better off. It's the waste of revenue and reduction in services that normally dictates a change.
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