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Has Gordon Scott still have his stake at the club?

I heard he offered more than the 2 million mentioned

Gordon still has his shares, yes.

He didn't offer anywhere close to £2m.

I guess if for whatever reason the proposed purchase falls through then maybe Gordon might be persuaded to make another offer as he is the only other interested party who definitely has the best interests of the club at heart.


Bluto my fellow buddie , yes you are correct about Provans. I wrote I found it strange that a community club should drop a community business who has supported the club for years in favour of a high street chain which is being suggested. That I cant understand under the banner - St Mirren community club.The club knows the fans have a good relationship with Provans so I would have thought some sort of explanation as to why it was changed would have been good PR. Is a community club not a more open club. I would have thought so

I think there should be a statement in the next week about the merchandising model going forward from next season.

Only time will tell if it is a success but the strips will still be available on Paisley High Street, and in the club shop, and online, as well as in a couple of major local shopping centres ie; a wider footprint.

I don't think St.Mirren are ever going to get rich by selling replica strips, but increased availability can't be a negative thing ?

You can take it as red that the numbers on the new deal make it attractive enough to do. :wink:


Gordon still has his shares, yes.

He didn't offer anywhere close to £2m.

I guess if for whatever reason the proposed purchase falls through then maybe Gordon might be persuaded to make another offer as he is the only other interested party who definitely has the best interests of the club at heart.

Thank you for answering put paid to a few rumours

When you say interested party with the best interests of the club at heart.

Is there another offer?


Thank you for answering put paid to a few rumours

When you say interested party with the best interests of the club at heart.

Is there another offer?

No, but I think there is always a fear when a football club is sold that it ends up in the wrong hands like it could so easily have done with Reg Brealey all those years ago.

The selling board members in Stewart, Alan, George, Bryan and Evelyn are all good St.Mirren people and said consistently that they would only sell to parties who would safeguard the long term future of the club. The CiC model is difficult to understand but I am sure that the sellers (and the buyers !) will both have completed their due diligence before they established whether or not to take the proposed deal forward on either side.


"The model being used to purchase the club is complex and has never been done before but suffice to say Richard and his consortium are not investing their own money to buy the football club, instead they are seeking to fund this through grants/loans and from forming business partnerships within the local community."


And what level of loans would be seen as both acceptable and sustainable?

As far as I'm concerned, loans mean debts.

Who would be servicing this debt?

What happens when if it goes "t1ts up?

It appears to me to be a case of somebody wanting to have a toy to run without any financial input.

As for the change in direction.

Cutting out the middle man or removing an obstacle for the club to cheapen the kits or whatever underlying motive there was for shunning Provan Sports doesn't seem like Community anything to me.

I've seen nothing to convince me that this is a good move for Saints.


Felt this deserved it's own thread. I have moved the above quote from the Provan Sports thread

We all know what Stuart Gilmour did to save the club from oblivion. I would like to think the same man would not be selling the club in a position of debt to the club. Gilmour has publicly said that the club would only be sold to the right people. Call me naive but I have faith in Stuart Gilmour when it comes the future of the club. Though maybe not his choice of manager

However you have a valid point wanting to know some facts on the buy out. I''m a bit surprised share holders are not asking more questions on the take over. Or at least the potential new owners don't come out and tell us plans and hopes for a bright new future for St Mirren football club.

Gordon Scott came onto this forum and said he would give us his side of the story as to why he stepped down from the board. I have no idea of the in's and out's but from the outside looking in this man looked like the real deal. A link with the fans to the board room during the building of the stadium. Gordon Scott impressed me and I would like to know his own thoughts as a major share holder of the club.

Thanks for giving this a thread of its own but I see you have not copied over all the comments I made (see the alan Provan thread). I was not the accountant at mentioned as being at the AGM but do remember Stuart Gilmour having to 'rescue' Mr. atkinson from further questioning by taking the mike from him !

I only want to know why I should let Mr. Atkinson run my club.

As a shareholder I already own a wee bit of the club.

The government in some shape or form will hand over millions of pounds to this Comunity Intrest Company and let Mr.Atkinson and and some well meaning so called supporters run our Club. Why ?

I liked the Brearly scheme more as I said before at least he used his own money.

Mr. Atkinson harps on about Stenhousemuir but that’s a true community set up and one of the best. But stenny is hardly the model for a Premier Club with ambition. Atkinsons model will tie the clubs hands financially in the future.

Best prospect - a middle of the road First Division club.

Would he put in cash if we were in trouble? No he’s not putting ONE PENNY in now. Classic case of using other peoples money here!

He is telling anyone who will listen that it wouldn’t matter what league we are in.

Also the CIC system would hand power to his 'members' who would then dictate to shareholders what happens at the club due to his 52 percent holding. What a slap in the face to them. Some of them have put their hands in their pockets to buy shares a number of times to help out the club knowing that they were just giving that money away. There has been no dividend for years.

A faceless high street brand will take the Club (and us) to the cleaners financially and cut all stock lines.

So much for supporting local businesses. Provans treatment has been a disgrace.

I hear that Braehaed - our major spensor are far from happy about the shirts we played in on Saturday - no logo for a televised game.

Perhaps Mr. Atkinson can come on here sometime soon and give us some answers.


"The model being used to purchase the club is complex and has never been done before but suffice to say Richard and his consortium are not investing their own money to buy the football club, instead they are seeking to fund this through grants/loans and from forming business partnerships within the local community."


And what level of loans would be seen as both acceptable and sustainable?

As far as I'm concerned, loans mean debts.

Who would be servicing this debt?

What happens when if it goes "t1ts up?

It appears to me to be a case of somebody wanting to have a toy to run without any financial input.

As for the change in direction.

Cutting out the middle man or removing an obstacle for the club to cheapen the kits or whatever underlying motive there was for shunning Provan Sports doesn't seem like Community anything to me.

I've seen nothing to convince me that this is a good move for Saints.

Well spotted that man - Loans = Debt = BIG trouble


Well spotted that man - Loans = Debt = BIG trouble

My understanding is that the loan elements are soft which means they could not be called in if we defaulted but could only be restructured or wiped. I don't know enough about how the loan elements are secured to comment.

None of the grants the consortium are applying for are coming from the government.


A faceless high street brand will take the Club (and us) to the cleaners financially and cut all stock lines.

I'm sure all will become clear in time, but the deal with the "faceless high street brand" is potentially worth significantly more to the club than any previous deal has been worth.

As I understand it the merchandising deal will also be split in two (replica strips and training gear / everything else).

Whether it's right or wrong I don't know as I've no experience of retailing. Time will tell.


My understanding is that the loan elements are soft which means they could not be called in if we defaulted but could only be restructured or wiped. I don't know enough about how the loan elements are secured to comment.

None of the grants the consortium are applying for are coming from the government.

You are right - You don't know enough to comment - but you have been trying to tell us what a good idea this is in the rest of this thread.

We need some facts not fantasy accountancy.

Is the money not to come from the Scottish Investment fund - Mr. Atkinson told me it was !

Look at http://www.scottishinvestmentfund.co.uk


The Scottish Investment Fund is a £30million fund provided by the Scottish Government.

I wish people would try and make sure they know the facts before telling us what a great idea this is.


You are right - You don't know enough to comment - but you have been trying to tell us what a good idea this is in the rest of this thread.

We need some facts not fantasy accountancy.

Is the money not to come from the Scottish Investment fund - Mr. Atkinson told me it was !

Look at http://www.scottishinvestmentfund.co.uk


The Scottish Investment Fund is a £30million fund provided by the Scottish Government.

I wish people would try and make sure they know the facts before telling us what a great idea this is.

You are clearly very agitated about the situation, so PM me your contact details and I'll get Richard to phone you and you can ask him youself.

Then you can decide for yourself whether it's a good idea or not.


You are right - You don't know enough to comment - but you have been trying to tell us what a good idea this is in the rest of this thread.

We need some facts not fantasy accountancy.

Dearie me. Do you actually read back over some of your posts?

While you berate Div for commenting, you're happy to come on here and spout forth yet seem pretty sparing with your own 'facts'.

Your language and tone suggests that you have an agenda that extends beyond your interest as a minor share holder. We're all concerned about the future of our club, but your contributon has been alarmist at best. Either come clean on what is really eating you here, or do what the vast majority of us are willing to do - ie: wait and see what comes out of the club over the next month. I suspect there is hee haw you can do about it in any event.


You are clearly very agitated about the situation, so PM me your contact details and I'll get Richard to phone you and you can ask him youself.

Then you can decide for yourself whether it's a good idea or not.

I imagine that could be a very very long call indeed :wink:


You are clearly very agitated about the situation, so PM me your contact details and I'll get Richard to phone you and you can ask him youself.

Then you can decide for yourself whether it's a good idea or not.

I see you are not denying that I am right and you are wrong !

This is not just about me. It's about this Club. I have no intention of a cosy private conversation - I want Mr. Atkinson to come on here and explain this scheme to us all. Including you DIV it seems.


I see you are not denying that I am right and you are wrong !

This is not just about me. It's about this Club. I have no intention of a cosy private conversation - I want Mr. Atkinson to come on here and explain this scheme to us all. Including you DIV it seems.

This is almost Dicksonesque....


I see you are not denying that I am right and you are wrong !

This is not just about me. It's about this Club. I have no intention of a cosy private conversation - I want Mr. Atkinson to come on here and explain this scheme to us all. Including you DIV it seems.

ho ho, knew you would shit yourself! typical, all negative chat and no bawz...why not speak to him? what are you scared of you big girl? :lol:


Dearie me. Do you actually read back over some of your posts?

While you berate Div for commenting, you're happy to come on here and spout forth yet seem pretty sparing with your own 'facts'.

Your language and tone suggests that you have an agenda that extends beyond your interest as a minor share holder. We're all concerned about the future of our club, but your contributon has been alarmist at best. Either come clean on what is really eating you here, or do what the vast majority of us are willing to do - ie: wait and see what comes out of the club over the next month. I suspect there is hee haw you can do about it in any event.

Please let me know if anything I have said is not a fact. I will be happy to say sorry if I am wrong. I have no agenda beyond fear of this scheme.


I see you are not denying that I am right and you are wrong !

There is 500k coming from the Social Investment Fund, not directly from the government. As you will also see from their website Spartans FC got a 900k grant from the SIF.

This is not just about me. It's about this Club. I have no intention of a cosy private conversation - I want Mr. Atkinson to come on here and explain this scheme to us all. Including you DIV it seems.

Bit of a cop out there to be honest. If you care as passionately as you seem to and you are as clever as you seem to think you are then surely you'd be well placed to discuss it with Richard and then you can dumb it down for mere f**kwits like myself here on the forum ?


this was a great interesting thread until that brainless pea animal started his nonsense. div, i would ban the complete numpty if i were you ! :blink:

i think tricky dicky should defo buy all the shares in the club, he will need more than the 52% methinks :wink:


Please let me know if anything I have said is not a fact. I will be happy to say sorry if I am wrong. I have no agenda beyond fear of this scheme.

Nearly a year has gone by as he sits in an office at Greenhill Road causing chaos and upsetting all around him

Check the date....



Sorry, a bit short of a year then. I see you are not disagreeing with the rest on my concerns.

I'd only worked my way down to the second sentence of the thread.

Apology accepted, though :wink:

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