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What Allegation?

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Most things on here aren't backed up by any facts or evidence, yet don't get removed.

I'm not saying the Topic starter of the above mentioned thread is correct, but I think closing it down is a poor show.

Maybe have been better if someone from the club had contacted you and gave you a small statement to post on here clearing the air and that would have been the end of it.

Private phone calls between Brian Caldwell and the Topic starter will just keep the rumour mill churning.

Maybe Danny will call up next to get the "Lennon out" topic removed.biggrin.png

I dont understand your post and if you didn't see the thread in question it is maybe wrong to generalise. i reported the thread and took the view that it may or may not have reflected true facts, but it would potentially have been very damaging to the club, the forum and even the person who posted the first message. Some took the view that it was an April fool and i wouldn't rule that out. The club was contacted and completely refuted the claims made, the gist of that conversation was posted by Div.

I dont think it is a good idea for the club to dignify what may well be a bit of trolling with an official response and the rumour mill will churn anyway.

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I dont understand your post and if you didn't see the thread in question it is maybe wrong to generalise. i reported the thread and took the view that it may or may not have reflected true facts, but it would potentially have been very damaging to the club, the forum and even the person who posted the first message. Some took the view that it was an April fool and i wouldn't rule that out. The club was contacted and completely refuted the claims made, the gist of that conversation was posted by Div.

I dont think it is a good idea for the club to dignify what may well be a bit of trolling with an official response and the rumour mill will churn anyway.


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Most things on here aren't backed up by any facts or evidence, yet don't get removed.

I'm not saying the Topic starter of the above mentioned thread is correct, but I think closing it down is a poor show.

Maybe have been better if someone from the club had contacted you and gave you a small statement to post on here clearing the air and that would have been the end of it.

Private phone calls between Brian Caldwell and the Topic starter will just keep the rumour mill churning.

Maybe Danny will call up next to get the "Lennon out" topic removed.biggrin.png

I'm always mindful of the issue of "censorship" on the site.

The club very rarely contact me about anything that is posted on here but from time to time they do and I will always try and judge what the best action to take will be for the forum, the poster(s) and of course the club.

I won't always get that right, but after 11 years I'd like to think I get it right more often than not.

We are all different on here, we all have different backgrounds and different views, but the one thing that should bind us all is a wish to see the club doing well.

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I'm always mindful of the issue of "censorship" on the site.

The club very rarely contact me about anything that is posted on here but from time to time they do and I will always try and judge what the best action to take will be for the forum, the poster(s) and of course the club.

I won't always get that right, but after 11 years I'd like to think I get it right more often than not.

We are all different on here, we all have different backgrounds and different views, but the one thing that should bind us all is a wish to see the club doing well.

Fair enough.

I can't say I disagree with any of this post. You do a good job on BAWA.

I just think that "individuals" who work for SMFC shouldn't be asking for things on here to be closed down regardless of the topic.

Just my opinion.

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Fair enough.

I can't say I disagree with any of this post. You do a good job on BAWA.

I just think that "individuals" who work for SMFC shouldn't be asking for things on here to be closed down regardless of the topic.

Just my opinion.

Even if they're made up, libellous, complete bollocks or lies that out the club in a bad light?

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I was once advised to write whatever I was het up about into an email and then sit on it for at least 24 hours before sending it. (Painful experience if you have a hard seat)

The advice is sound, 99 times out of a 100, I've either binned the email, seriously adjusted it or at least tempered my anger.

I suggest the email was written in a fit of pique, or anger.......................... under both circumstances, the advice could well have worked for the troubled employee / supporter.

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I was once advised to write whatever I was het up about into an email and then sit on it for at least 24 hours before sending it. (Painful experience if you have a hard seat)

The advice is sound, 99 times out of a 100, I've either binned the email, seriously adjusted it or at least tempered my anger.

I suggest the email was written in a fit of pique, or anger.......................... under both circumstances, the advice could well have worked for the troubled employee / supporter.

Yup, I follow that rule of thumb also. On occasion, it is also a good idea to get someone you trust to read it over in draft before doing anything with it.

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Fair enough.

I can't say I disagree with any of this post. You do a good job on BAWA.

I just think that "individuals" who work for SMFC shouldn't be asking for things on here to be closed down regardless of the topic.

Just my opinion.

Just as individuals who work for SMFC, should not be airing their dirty laundry( if there's any truth) on a football forum.

Take it up with the person who pays your wages.

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Now either I did not see the offending post or I have actually read the offending post and not realised that I have read a post that would go on to such infamy. In any case I am unaware of the content of the offending post.

I do however have faith that Div and his team of (presumably) unpaid mods (mods being a shortened term for moderators) have looked at the issue that has arisen with all due dilligence, made an informed choice as to the correct course of action and taken such action that is in the best interests of our beloved (and underperforming) club, the forum itself and possibly to some degree the person behind the anonymous online identity that made the offending post.

Now if someone has breached the trust of our club by posting internal club matters on this very public of forum's then I demand that they be dragged naked by horsecart to Paisley town hall, birched within an inch of life itself and mercifully thrown into the hamils to be dragged away to certian death. One would also assert that they should be sacked forthwith. In any case if the person behind the online identity is an employee of our beloved and most great of clubs then I hope they be found out at the earliest.

In any case may I applaude Mr Caldwell, Div and his team of mods for taking the swiftest and unquestionably correct course of action.

Edited by TediousTom
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now I really want to know what was alleged and by whom???

If as has been suggested above the allegation related to non payment of wages? wouldn't,t you want to know if that was or was not the case?

hertz fans turned a blind eye to that, and it,s hurting them now

Would you be interested if I wasn't getting my wages.whistling.gif

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I'm always mindful of the issue of "censorship" on the site.

The club very rarely contact me about anything that is posted on here but from time to time they do and I will always try and judge what the best action to take will be for the forum, the poster(s) and of course the club.

I won't always get that right, but after 11 years I'd like to think I get it right more often than not.

We are all different on here, we all have different backgrounds and different views, but the one thing that should bind us all is a wish to see the club doing well.

This type of sanctimonious claptrap certainly should be censored.

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I agree that whoever it was is probably talking a load of nonsense, and I think if their allegations were true, they wouldn't be airing their gripes on a public forum. What is there to be gained from it? Make the fans a bit worried? If he really wanted to cause a shitstorm, he'd be right onto the papers, or contact the club directly.

If this has been going on for months, as per the posters original statement, why haven't we heard anything about it till now? There's plenty of people connected to the club on here, some even claiming to know the deepest secrets of the management team, so I find it hard to believe that no one knew anything about this.

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I was once advised to write whatever I was het up about into an email and then sit on it for at least 24 hours before sending it. (Painful experience if you have a hard seat)

The advice is sound, 99 times out of a 100, I've either binned the email, seriously adjusted it or at least tempered my anger.

I suggest the email was written in a fit of pique, or anger.......................... under both circumstances, the advice could well have worked for the troubled employee / supporter.

I was advised to do the same thing once but I seldom do it and to be fair I've seldom regretted it too. Sometimes it's good to display your genuine anger.

I didn't see yesterdays posts but I am really uncomfortable with the fact that someone at the club can contact a web master of an unofficial website and demand that articles or posts be removed. I can see Div's point on protection for the forum user but I would have thought that a better course of action would be to contact the individual making the post and ask them if they are prepared to waive their anonymity in order to have the post remain in the public domain - perhaps along with a reminder that if they are making unsubstantiated claims that they may be exposing themselves to legal action from the club.

I'd hate to think that a genuine whistle blower who risks their career to get some important information out to the fans, would find that their channel is cut off because the club is dictating to the supporters website what material can be displayed and what can't.

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Just as individuals who work for SMFC, should not be airing their dirty laundry( if there's any truth) on a football forum.

Take it up with the person who pays your wages.

Individuals who work for St Mirren "FOOTBALL" club can air their views anywhere they want if they are being mistreated (allegedly).

I am not for one minute saying there is any truth in this though.

Let's say it is true and the employee concerned went through all the correct channels first with no joy. Only then did he decide to come on here and let the fans know what is going on.

Wouldn't you want to know?

1 .If it is to do with St Mirren, then it is a football matter and in my view the best place for it to be discussed by the fans is on a football forum.

2. If anything is untoward at our beloved club I would like to know about it, as I am sure most fans would.

So, why can't Brian Caldwell come on here and clear the air (whether it's true or not), either by replying directly to the post or giving Div an official club statement to post on here???

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I agree that whoever it was is probably talking a load of nonsense, and I think if their allegations were true, they wouldn't be airing their gripes on a public forum. What is there to be gained from it? Make the fans a bit worried? If he really wanted to cause a shitstorm, he'd be right onto the papers, or contact the club directly.

If this has been going on for months, as per the posters original statement, why haven't we heard anything about it till now? There's plenty of people connected to the club on here, some even claiming to know the deepest secrets of the management team, so I find it hard to believe that no one knew anything about this.

Hmm I'm not so sure.

As I've said I can't comment on the claims on here because I didn't see the posts and I don't know the story. I do however know of one young coach who works for a SPFL club on a kind of freelance basis. The club agreed to pay him a set amount of money per session and the lad was delighted to work for them but after an initial period of time when all seemed well, the club started to default on paying him. After months of chasing for his overdue payments he was left with the dilemma of going public and speaking out - which would probably damage his ambitions of progress within the game, hiring a solicitor to take the club to the small claims court, or of just walking away from the whole thing and from the money he was due. The lad took the latter option and put it down to experience. He had been owed around £700 in total.

Now I'll state on the record that this club was NOT St Mirren. It was a lower tier club who are not reported to be in financial difficulties and it perhaps has no relevance at all to the post on here yesterday that I didn't see. However late payment and non payment is something that does happen in Scottish Football and it tends to be down to owners of clubs thinking that football deserves to be absolved from the kind of rules that govern the rest of society.

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You can just imagine the havoc that would be created if some random character (Morton fan etc.) created a username of Brian Caldwell and decided to issue statements on here on behalf of the club....

FFS, indeed.

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Didn't see the original post. Not bothered about knowing the detail either. Folk can slag Div all they like about 'censorship' but these days, he can't take a chance with stuff that might bring him serious grief. Seems that the club moved quickly to get Div to remove it. Would have been nice had they moved quickly, moved slowly, or indeed moved at all to make some sort of statement on their own website about awp leaving, and thanking him for his time, and his efforts in sorting out what was a fcuking shambles of a club shop.

Edited by pozbaird
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